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What we crazily do not know about the dengue virus subsequent to its transmission by mosquitoes?

This special write out highlights Aunt Geral's unexpected encounter with a mosquito carrying the dengue virus. Merely one bite can result in the permanent presence of the virus within the individual. Subsequent attacks, whether a second, third, or fourth occurrence, may exacerbate symptoms, potentially leading to severe outcomes, including fatality warned by the doctors.

Aunt Geral, approaching her early fifties in two year time is experiencing the onset of early menopausal symptoms. These include sudden perspiration, hot flashes, and heightened body temperature, particularly pronounced in Singapore's extreme warm and humid climate these days. Notably, Aunt Geral does not belong to the 'O' blood group, which some believe confers the highest resistance to dengue infections which the fact it is not true anymore. It can be anyone who has the below conditions. Recently also due to global warming, there has been an increase in Aedes mosquitoes, particularly in areas with ongoing construction projects. However, it's important to note that mosquitoes inhabit diverse environments, ranging from beaches to urban high-rise buildings, where they may be propelled by wind currents toward unknown targets' beings.

For the safety and well-being of Aunt Geral and her loved ones, they have taken proactive measures by acquiring repellents. These repellents, predominantly composed of lemongrass extract (transparent variant), are known for their potent effectiveness against mosquitoes. To mitigate any potential skin sensitivity, they have opted to dilute the lemongrass extract with a small bottle of mosquito repellent spray.

2 link from Singapore NEA and healthline where they share what is best to prevent the unforeseen mosquito's attack.

Additionally, they utilise a natural ingredient body wash known to repel mosquitoes and resist the activity of the dengue virus, particularly when individuals are perspiring. All repellents are subject to the individual's skin sensitivity. Furthermore, considering that women generally have higher body temperatures than men, mosquitoes do not discriminate based on blood type (O, A, or AB). It is also essential to avoid floral perfumes, as some varieties can also attract mosquitoes. The cultivation of specific types of floral plants can also attract mosquitoes, as plants emit carbon dioxide. Scientists are close to working out why mosquitoes bite some people, and not others. It comes down to a complex trifecta of carbon dioxide, body temperature, heat and etc that makes certain beings more inviting to mosquitoes than others. Especially beings who have a high metabolic rate and emit more carbon dioxide, including those who are pregnant, working out, or drinking alcohol tend to be more attractive to mosquitoes.

A solitary bite is sufficient for the dengue virus to permanently embed itself in your bloodstream, and as of today, there is no known cure. Subsequent mosquito with dengue virus carrier bites on individuals can result in worsening symptoms and, in severe cases, may lead to fatality.

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